Volunteer group shot

This is the most complete group shot we have. Well, the most complete group shot I have, anyway. These were the people at the end of the show.
Front row: Will, me, Lindsey
Second Row:Kathryn, Alice, Brian-The Bradster, and Rosemary
Back Row:Fayeth (I may be spelling that wrong), Jonathan, Josh, Al, Dan, Jeremy, Alicia "Fox" , the great and powerful Tom, and Brittany.
Virtually all of these people were here for their third year, or worked like they were. They made it the joy to be there that it was.
perhaps I meant to spell your name wrong, knowing it would bring you out to correct my mistake.
In either case, yeah, get your pictures up when you can. I plan to add mine soon.
actually i was just a first timer this year. definately want to do this again. 8^)
Again? man what is it with me and names? ;-)
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